Is Wrestling Dangerous? How to Prevent Injury?

Who is WWE Liv Morgan married to? This question might pop up in mind if you are a WWE fan. But, does this question op up in your mind too “Is wrestling dangerous?”. Well lets dive deep into that discussion.

Each season, more than half of wrestlers in high school suffer injuries. This figure is ground-breaking. But is wrestling as risky as it is frequently implied?

A significant component of the sport is losing weight. Athletes sometimes need to lose weight in order to wrestle in a certain weight class. Every wrestler has a different weight they need to reduce; some need to shed three pounds, some need to lose five.

Is Wrestling Dangerous?

Whether you are young or old athlete, wrestling demand physical contact that calls for strength, quickness, and stamina. Athletes frequently wrestle in several matches throughout a competition, sometimes on consecutive days and contests, which considerably wears out the body and raises the possibility of injury.

There are many reports about several contact injuries from twists, specialized dislocations and high-impact throws, since wrestling is a very physically taxing sport. Sprains, dislocations, contusions (bruises), concussions, fractures, and even catastrophic injuries are frequently caused by this.

Given the nature of intimate skin-to-skin contact, contagious infectious skin illnesses are also highly common and can spread amongst wrestlers if not adequately managed.

How to Prevent Injury from Wrestling?

There are many reports of a wide range of ailments and injuries that are avoidable in wrestling. These accidents frequently result from deficiencies in certain neuromuscular control, core strength, technique, personal cleanliness, and appropriate weight and hydration management.

In order to keep wrestlers on the mat, the sports medicine staff is dedicated about instructing players, parents, and coaches on how to prevent some of these injuries.

Injury is inevitable in wrestling. Take Liv Morgan for an example, she indeed suffered a lot of injuries from previous fight. But it doesn’t matter, it’s her profession and the vital thing is know how to deal with the injuries.

Off the topic, about Liv Morgan, if you are still wondering about who is WWE Liv Morgan married to? The answer is Jake Anderson, same professional WWE wrestlers.

Preventing Wrestling-Related Skin Infection

Of all injuries and illnesses, skin infections cause wrestlers the most time away from competition; nevertheless, they are also the most avoidable with the use of very rigorous individual and team cleanliness precautions. These include of hand cleaning, washing all clothes and equipment in hot, soapy water after each usage, and sanitizing mats and other facility equipment each day.

Never share razors, soaps, or towels with another wrestler. Additionally, before returning to practice or competition, they should promptly report any skin lesions and obtain the appropriate care.

Information For Parents And Coaches On Injury Prevention

Heavy demands are made on the muscles, bones, and cardiovascular system during wrestling. These recommendations can keep your child athlete safe:

  • Wear headgear – The greatest way to prevent injuries, regardless of an athlete’s skill level on the mat, is to wear the right protective gear. To avoid head injuries and cauliflower ears, wrestlers should use protective headgear. When necessary, they should also consider knee, ankle, and/or elbow bracing.
  • Avoid excessive postures when performing Arm Bars or Half Nelsons to help prevent elbow and shoulder problems. Meniscus and MCL tears can be avoided by reducing the amount of heavy lifting and knee bending. The referee often keeps an eye on and prevents certain situations during games, but not as much during training.
  • Train: Athletes must be in top physical and cardiovascular shape before the start of a season. The success and health of the athletes depend on proper weight management, food, and exercise to increase strength and stamina.
  • Eating and drinking – Given the intense pressure to fit into specified weight classes, wrestlers are more susceptible to electrolyte imbalances, nutritional deficits, and dehydration. To ensure that they are controlled in a safe way, it is crucial to discuss exercise, food, and weight objectives with a qualified specialist.

Bottom Line

Every type of sport certainly has its own risks, wrestling is no exception. The most important thing is to know how to prevent and deal with the injuries when the time comes.

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