Building a Food Truck Business

The food truck business is a business that is quite popular in America. The food truck business is never empty of visitors every day. This business food truck uses large vehicles as a place to sell. This business also provides several interesting services, one of which is an independent dispatch services. This service allows customers to get products sold by the food truck without having to come directly to the food truck. To build a food truck business, of course, you can use some tips from people who are experienced in running a food truck business.

Tips for Building a Food Truck Business

There are several tips you need to know to build a food truck business:

  1. Determine Food For Sale

The first thing you have to do is determine the food that you will sell in your food truck business. Food is an important factor in running a food truck business. Basically, the profits derived from the food truck business come from selling food. Choose foods that many people like and of course taste delicious. If indeed you dare to try new things, then you can try to make new types of food. Of course, to make new types of food you need a lot of time to experiment. But if this is successful, then you will have a food truck business that is different from the others.

  1. Adjusting Vehicles to Business Activities

Business activities in the food truck business determine the size or size of the vehicle to be used. If the food you sell requires a large enough kitchen, then you need a vehicle that has a large size. But if the food you sell only requires a small kitchen, then you can use a small vehicle. Small food trucks often offer independent dispatch services.

  1. Designing Vehicles To Be More Attractive

The last thing you have to do is design the vehicle that you have bought to make it look more attractive. There are many types of food truck designs ranging from vintage themed to modern ones. You can customize the vehicle design with the food you want to sell in the food truck business. That way the concept of the vehicle design and the concept of the food truck business will match. If you can’t design your own vehicle, you can come to a business that serves vehicle painting.

Those are some tips for building a food truck business. Actually the idea of building a food truck business is not that complicated, but modifying a vehicle can be said to be a little complicated. But you don’t need to worry, because after you’ve finished preparing everything you can immediately start selling using a food truck.

Food Sold by Food Trucks

There are several foods that are commonly sold in food trucks :

  1. Hotdog

Hotdog is an elongated food made from bread, vegetables and sausages.

  1. Hamburger

Hamburger is a round food made from bread, vegetables, and patty.

  1. Kebab

Kebab is a food made from vegetables, meat and tortillas.

Those are some of the foods that are commonly sold in food trucks. Usually, you can order these three foods using independent dispatch services.

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Tips for Healthy Lifestyle and Always Stay Young

Everyone wants to be healthy at all times. You must know how to live a healthier lifestyle. These healthy ways of living are sometimes difficult to live, some are unpleasant. But of course, all of that must be done so that you can avoid various health problems. For example, can avoid being overweight, can improve mood, can prevent disease, can increase energy too. If this healthy way of life is applied regularly, it will certainly lead to a better quality of life, especially health quality. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important and must also be done. Because if you do unhealthy habits every day, it can be detrimental to health. Here are some tips for healthy living.

Sunbathe/ Bask For Vitamin D Intake

Of course, the role of vitamins is important in supporting a healthier lifestyle. Usually, this vitamin is obtained through nutrition, food, and drink, because the body does not produce it. But especially for the type of vitamin D, there is a unique situation. In addition to the intake of vitamin D from food, the body itself can actually produce its own. In addition, Vitamin D is usually known to support bone health. But not only that, but this vitamin is also useful in reducing the risk of various diseases, especially autoimmune diseases, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.

So that we can get vitamin D, then you can try sunbathing. You can do this sunbathing for a while. You can also sunbathing while walking around the house in the morning before doing your activities. Must make sure your body gets enough morning sun. Then furthermore, you can also get vitamin D from food, such as oily fish. Eat fish such as salmon, mackerel, or sardines. Apart from fish, sources of vitamin D can also come from eggs, mushrooms, yogurt, beef liver, and others.

Get Enough Rest And Avoid Stress

Everyone certainly has a burden in life and sometimes it feels very heavy. Things like this can cause stress. There are physical symptoms in the body that can be caused, such as headaches, even abdominal pain. Including increased blood pressure, chest pain, and insomnia. So, because of that, a healthy way of life is for you to avoid stress. If you want to manage stress, you can do this by trying to take time to relax and then take up a favorite hobby, yoga, or meditation.

Adequate rest is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. Make sure your sleep time is fulfilled perfectly. That is getting used to sleeping and waking up at the same time. You can also take an occasional shower with warm water, then read a book, and listen to relaxing music. This can be activity before bedtime and which helps the body rest quickly. In addition to the above, there are many other tips that can be applied so that our lives are always healthy. Those are some best tips so you can live a healthier life. Of course, there are many more tips so that you can live a healthy life.

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How to Clean the Right Fruits & Vegetables

Vegetables and fruits bought in the market often contain pesticides. These chemicals can kill plant pests and are still the choice of fruit farmers and to prevent crop failure problems. But don’t rush to avoid these fruits and vegetables because all you need to do is wash them properly. So that the remaining pesticide residues that stick to the fruits and vegetables can be lost. This is quite trivial for some people. But maybe you just wash the fruit carelessly. You better know the proper way to clean the fruit from these pesticides.

The Use Of Pesticides Is Very Often In Fruit And Vegetable Plants

This one thing certainly raises the pros and cons of farmers and environmental activists. There is a lot to say that pesticide residues on the fruit can cause health problems. So, of course, it is not wrong to think that this pesticide is dangerous. Research conducted by Purdue University Indiana, United States, found that 98% of apples contain residual pesticide residues. Other vegetables and fruits on the research list include strawberries, peaches, spinach, grapes, peppers, kale, mustard greens, and potatoes. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 90% of pesticide residues were found in 8 popular fruits and vegetables. So that this one thing should always be considered. Farmers need clear guidance on how to use pesticides, dosage, and frequency of spraying. This is because they do not have complete literacy skills to understand the rules for using these pesticides. As a result, they increased the dosage.

Then How Do You Wash Vegetables And Fruit To Be Free From Pesticides And Bacteria?

It is better if you never consume these fruits and vegetables without washing them first. Not only are you afraid of pesticides, but you must also be aware of bacteria and germs. For example, the dangerous ones, such as salmonella and also E.coli, are in raw fruits and vegetables. Then how to clean the fruit properly to avoid disease.

Separate Fruit And Vegetables From Other Types Of Food

You should always separate freshly purchased raw fruits or vegetables with ready-to-eat/cooked foods that have been cooked. With this, it is to ensure that pesticide exposure will not spread to your drinks or food.

Before Washing The Fruit, You Must Wash Your Hands First

So, before you wash fruit or vegetables, it’s a good idea to wash your hands first. While the same thing should be done after you clean the fruit. Of course, there are many other things that need to be considered.

Cut The Damaged Fruit/Vegetable

Any fruit or vegetable that is purchased, there must be something imperfect. If any part of the fruit is damaged, then you can cut it first. With these tips to make sure there are no caterpillars or other organisms in the fruit. Then it’s also important to make sure your knife is clean.

Use Running Water When Washing

Also, you should wash your fruit or vegetables under running water. Better not to put water in a container and then wash it using that container. This way of washing is not recommended because it is less hygienic and cannot be cleaned thoroughly.

Clean Starting From The Dirty Vegetable Or Fruit

You can clean all parts of the fruit. Don’t overlook any part. Then in order to get the most out of the fruit, start by cleaning the dirtiest part of the fruit. Next, clean the other parts that are cleaner. So that the results will be maximized in this way.

Use A Special Soap For Washing Fruits And Vegetables

In order to ensure that your fruits and vegetables are free of pesticides, you can also use products with natural ingredients. Natural and special detergent for fruits that you can use to wash these fruits or vegetables. Look for a soap that contains lime as an anti-bacterial so that it can clean bacteria on the surface of fruits and vegetables.

Scrub The Fruit

It is better if you also use a brush to scrub hard dirt such as soil on the fruit you want to wash. However, make sure the brush is not too rough as it can injure the skin of the fruit, so use a soft brush. If you want to wash soft-skinned fruit such as grapes or tomatoes, just rub it gently with your hands. So that it can prevent rips in the fruit skin.

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How to Choose the Right Food for Family

It is very important to adopt a healthy lifestyle from an early age because the results are very beneficial for old age. A healthy lifestyle can be started from home by getting used to eating a variety of healthy foods. This of course must be applied to all family members. So healthy food itself is a food rich in essential nutrients for the body. These important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and so on. Here are some healthy foods that you can start providing for your family at home.

Meat Or Fish With Protein Content

In choosing healthy foods it must contain protein. This needs to be done to fill the nutritional needs of each family. This protein acts as a source of energy in the body. Protein is also useful for building and repairing tissues in the body. Including this protein can form antibodies. While this protein content can be obtained from fish or meat. Meats that have high protein are like beef and chicken breast without using skin. While fish with lots of protein, namely salmon and tuna. Apart from meat or fish, eggs can be a food option too with high protein content.

Replacing Snacks With Healthy Fruits

If you really like snacks, especially those that use excessive flavorings, then you should immediately limit them. Too often eating snacks like this can lead to various health problems. Such as headaches, obesity, nausea, and blood pressure instability. Instead of consuming packaged snacks, you can replace them with healthy snacks, namely fruits. For example, apples contain lots of flavonoids, so they are useful for maintaining heart health and can also lower blood pressure.

Then you can also replace snacks with papaya with high papain content so that this enzyme helps the digestive system. This includes helping the body digest proteins that will enter the body. There are many more fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients for the body. To get children used to eating healthy foods from an early age, they have to find out many more fruits that these children like. Also, make sure you know the benefits of the content of these types of foods before deciding to eat them.

Vegetables Of Various Colors

Of course, you must include vegetables in your daily diet. Because it will provide many benefits. Foods such as green vegetables contain very much fiber so they are good for digestion. Green vegetables are not only rich in fiber, green vegetables contain vitamin A too. So that is good for eye health is like kale or ferns. These vegetables have a very high antioxidant content so they are also good for supporting immunity. In addition to all green vegetables, you can also serve a menu of vegetables in various colors. Not only healthy, but the consumption of colorful vegetables also looks attractive when served.

For example, carrot is one of vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and that can be processed by the body into vitamins that can protect the eyes, namely vitamin A. With these vegetables, it can avoid the impact of free radicals. There are other vegetables such as eggplant that contain lots of folic acids so it is very good for the development of the nervous system. We are also better off using mustard greens which contain high levels of calcium and magnesium which are good for strengthening bones. Those are some tips for choosing which foods are the most appropriate for consumption every day. It’s better if you apply some of the tips above, so you can live a healthier life. I hope the best information above is useful.

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Get To Know Basic Concepts Healthy Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is one of the best types of diet. Not just a diet, there are many experts who call this diet a lifestyle. This diet is inspired by the people of the Mediterranean region, such as Greece, Spain, and Italy. Several health benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been proven. Such as losing weight, can prevent heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes to premature death. While there is no set rule as to what the Mediterranean diet looks like, there are basic concepts that can serve as a guide.

Avoid Unhealthy Food Groups

There are several types of foods that need to be avoided if you want to go on a Mediterranean diet. One of them is the added sugar class such as soda, candy, granulated sugar, and ice cream. There are also refined grains that need to be avoided in order to adopt the Mediterranean diet. For example, white bread, pasta dishes using artificial wheat, and similar foods. Saturated fats are also things that need to be avoided in the Mediterranean diet. This saturated fat can be found in margarine and also in various processed food products. Then refined oils should also be avoided such as soybean oil, canola oil, palm oil, and others. Also avoid processed meats such as sausages, nuggets, hot dogs, smoked beef, and others. Highly processed foods should also be avoided, such as all “low-fat” or labeled “diet” foods that are factory-made. All of the ingredients above can be examined by reading the food packaging labels.

Must Know What To Eat

There are ingredients that we can eat for this Mediterranean diet on a daily basis, such as a variety of vegetables, nuts, fruit, seeds, legumes, wheat, potatoes, bread, herbs, fish, and spices. There are also poultry products, cheese, eggs, and yogurt that can be consumed in the Mediterranean diet but within reasonable limits. Meanwhile, for the consumption of red meat, eat the meat as little as possible. As already mentioned above, we cannot eat drinks with added sugar, then processed meat, and also processed food to apply the Mediterranean diet.

Get To Know Fruit And Vegetable Recommendations For Consumption

For the consumption of vegetables, it can be with tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, onions, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Fruits can include the consumption of apples, bananas, pears, oranges, strawberries, grapes, melons, and dates. You can also consume tubers such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. There is also the intake of whole grains such as oats, bread, brown rice, and pasta using whole grains that can be consumed for a Mediterranean diet. You can consume fish and seafood such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, shellfish, shrimp, and oysters. There are also herbs and spices such as garlic, mint, basil, rosemary, nutmeg, and cinnamon. For those who want to go on a Mediterranean diet, you can also consume healthy fats such as olive oil and other healthy oils such as avocado oil. That’s all the newest info about the very famous diet, the Mediterranean diet, which has also been done by many people.

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The Right Way to Start a Healthier Diet

It is very important to have a healthy diet from an early age. This is important so that you will not get many diseases. There may be a deadly disease that can destroy your life later. A healthy diet is the beginning of our happy life for all time. By adopting a healthy diet, you will avoid various diseases so that it will support your productivity every day. It is undeniable that the wrong diet is proven to play a role in the emergence of dangerous diseases. For example, such as heart disease, then diabetes, even cancer which is very dangerous. On that basis, those of you who want to live a long and happy life until the end of time must start a healthy diet. This one thing you have to start early on.

Important Points To Start Healthy Eating Consumption

Healthy eating is the behavior of consuming foods that contain all the balanced nutrients and in accordance with the body’s needs. Then you are said to have a healthy diet if your daily consumption consists of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. This includes a balanced amount of water obtained from natural sources. In order not to go wrong with a proper and healthy diet, here are some tips that you better pay attention to.

Avoid Foods With Preservatives

There have been various studies proving that the consumption of types of foods containing preservatives can trigger the long-term effects of cancer. Because of this, in implementing a healthy diet, you should be able to avoid foods with preservatives. While this preservative is often found in packaged foods, including canned foods. If you are forced to buy packaged foods, choose one with a clear label like “No Preservatives” on the packaging. Of course, there are many more things that need to be considered so that your diet can always be healthy.

Avoid Fatty Foods

Consumption of foods with fat is fine. But make sure you limit your fat intake. Foods with high fat are usually found in types of food that are cooked using oil, margarine, butter, and coconut milk. Does that mean humans don’t need fat intake? Not really because as already mentioned above, humans will still need fat. But in sufficient quantities and also come from more natural sources. Instead of consuming fried foods or coconut milk foods, it is better to choose fats from natural sources such as nuts or seeds.

Choosing The Right Processed Food

Baking, frying, and processing food by burning are less recommended as a food processing technique. Because these methods can damage the nutrients contained in food. So, because of that, you better choose certain foods that are processed by steaming, boiling, or sautéing with a little oil. Do not let you just choose this food intake.

Avoid Using Excessive Seasonings

You should also limit the use of seasonings or flavorings when preparing food. If you can, then avoid it completely because there is monosodium glutamate (MSG) in these seasonings. MSG is associated with a variety of certain health problems so you should avoid them as much as possible.

Increase Vegetable And Fruit Intake

Most vegetables and fruits contain fiber so they can bind carcinogens, which are substances that cause cancer. But that does not mean that all the fruit can be healthy and suitable for those who do a diet. One type of fruit that you better avoid is durian because it contains very high fat in durian fruit. In addition, it is also necessary to avoid melinjo chips or melinjo itself, because they contain high purines. So that it can make uric acid even higher. Then another thing for you to remember, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before you eat. This is important because it can prevent bacterial contamination and pesticide residues.

Avoid Consuming Innards/ Offal, Fat, And So On

Both offal, chicken skin, and brain are foods that are high in purines and fat itself. If the above foods are consumed too often, then you are at risk of experiencing various diseases. For example, such as heart disease and uric acid.

Increase Water Intake & Avoid Colored Drinks

We need to remember that 80% of the human body is a liquid. If you lack fluids, the performance of vital organs is also disturbed. In order to meet fluid needs, water is the best intake. If you want a little variety, then consume fruit juice/vegetable juice that is not added with other ingredients. You must avoid sharing alcoholic drinks. This includes avoiding soft drinks, or drinks that contain high sugar or caffeine. Also, avoid choosing drinks or foods that have modified colors. So, the food/drink that has been added with chemicals. Better to choose foods or drinks with natural colors. The exception is foods with natural colors such as chocolate, colored strawberries, and so on.

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This Is The Healthy Way To Eat Eggs

Eggs are a healthy food ingredient and are easy to find. In addition, eggs are also relatively inexpensive when compared to other protein sources, such as meat. There are many and varied ways to enjoy eggs. Eggs can be enjoyed from those eaten raw to boiled, fried, and steamed eggs. It is important for us to pay attention to how to cook eggs. This is so that you can maintain the quality of the eggs. If the eggs are not cooked properly, the benefits of eggs will not be optimal in keeping the body healthy.

The Best Egg Consumption Is Cooked Eggs

Cooked eggs are certainly safer for you to eat and can also make some of the nutrients in the eggs easier for the body to digest. One of the nutrients in eggs is protein. Research has shown that heating eggs will make egg protein digestible in the body. The human body can use 91 percent of the protein nutrition in these cooked eggs. Meanwhile, the human body uses only 51 percent of the protein in raw eggs. Heating the eggs will encourage protein changes in the eggs. For raw eggs, protein compounds take the form of complex structures. When heating is applied to eggs, the heat breaks these complex bonds.

So that new bonds are formed that can be broken more easily in the body. Then this egg is basically rich in vitamin B7. Then vitamin B7 / biotin has an important function to regulate the breakdown of sugar and fat. In raw eggs, the biotin structure is still bound together with avidin. Avidin is a compound in protein. The binding of biotin with avidin can make biotin unusable for the body. However, when the eggs are cooked, the heat in the processing will cause the structure of the avidin to change. The power of avidin can bind biotin so that biotin is easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, the best way to eat eggs is to cook eggs first.

Some Of The Most Common Ways To Cook Eggs

There are various ways to cook eggs that are most often done or very popular from the past until now.


Of course, boiling is a technique for cooking ingredients such as eggs in liquid. Boil this egg until it boils for about 6 to 10 minutes. You can add a whole, raw egg to a saucepan of boiling water. Then eat this boiled egg alone with soy sauce or something like that.


There is another way to cook eggs, namely poached. So poached is a technique of cooking food ingredients in liquid and not too much. So, it is only limited to covering boiled food using low heat or 71 to 82 degrees Celsius. This kind of cooking takes 2.5 to 3 minutes. For example, we put a raw egg in water, without using the eggshell.


Even the most common method used is frying eggs. Eggs are cracked and then heated on a hot pan and lightly coated with oil. You can apply this method of cooking eggs such as cooking eggs that are cooked directly or stirred first and mixed with various other cooking ingredients.


There is also another way to cook eggs, which is by roasting the eggs. So, the eggs are cracked and then baked in a hot oven.

Then, Which Way To Cook Eggs Is Most Appropriate?

You better choose a low-calorie egg cooking method. If you are reducing your calorie intake, then choose the method of cooking by boiling. There are two types of boiling, boiled together with the shell and then the egg is peeled. Or you can also boil an egg without skin, you can crack the eggshell and simply boil the contents in boiling water. This way of cooking does not add calories to oil. Therefore, this method of cooking is definitely the right way if you reduce calories than fried eggs. You can also mix eggs with a variety of vegetables. The way to cook eggs to make the egg dish more nutrient-rich is to mix with vegetables.

If you really want to cook an omelette, then add the various vegetables you like. Then these vegetables are cut into small pieces and put into eggs. For example, chopped carrots, then cut tomatoes, green onions, or spinach. If you don’t want to mix the vegetables, you can also serve the eggs together with other vegetables on a plate along with the eggs. Eggs are certainly very popular and delicious food when used as a variety of dishes. But don’t forget to pay attention to your health as well by cooking eggs in a healthier way. That’s all the information this time about how to cook eggs like what can be healthier. Hopefully, it can be useful for you.

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